
Monday, August 24, 2015

Two years old!

Our "baby" girl turned two this past weekend! I am partially shocked that we have a two year old, and partially not surprised at all because she has grown so much recently that how could she be anything but two already? As far as her stats from the doctor's office go, she is sticking right along her growth curve. She is 32.75 inches tall (30th percentile and 49% of my adult height - if what they say is true about you being 50% of your adult height at your second birthday then Eleanor will be just under 5'6" as an adult). She weighs 25.8 pounds (38th percentile), and her head circumference is 18.6 inches (42nd percentile). She finished her shots at her 18 month appointment so she is all set until she starts Kindergarten in 3 years!

Eleanor has all of her teeth except for her two-year molars. She still naps between 1.5 and 3 hours every afternoon and sleeps about 10.5-11 hours at night. She talks up a storm, often using full sentences, and surprises us everyday with the new words she has learned. Sometimes she doesn't get everything right, but generally she is easily understood. For example, she chose to ride the "alligator" (elevator) at the doctor's office instead of take the stairs this week. She follows directions when she wants to because she is able to understand almost everything we say, and pushes boundaries like only two year olds do. She loves to sing, particularly the ABCs and songs from our church's VBS this year (which she didn't even attend). Maynard (a cabbage patch doll) is still her favorite toy and she loves to read books. Her favorite thing to do while playing is act like a mommy, feeding Maynard milk and food, changing his diaper, putting him down for "nigh-nights," pushing him in his stroller, and sharing her toys with him. While she's known how to close doors for awhile, she is now starting to open them, too. She really is a small person these days!

Eleanor at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, fifteen, and eighteen months.


Patty said...

Such cute pictures! She has developed so much over the last couple of months! I also can't believe she's two already!! Love her.

Patty said...

Also kind of handy that she can now get out of the doors she closes!

LA-jan said...

This is so cute! I love these updates!

Dorothy said...

A beautiful girl!

maggie said...

Ah - two already! She looks like she could be off to kindergarten in those pics!