
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Ben is four!

Ben is 4 years old! He definitely is very different from his sisters! He is 3'7" tall (55% of the way to Chris' height) and weighs 39.6 pounds. He still absolutely loves vehicles. He will even park himself in the garage to sit and watch the trash truck come through and dump trash on our street. If we are out doing something and he gets left behind, it's generally because his attention was focused on some sort of cool car or construction vehicle. He also seems to love dancing and moving his body, as well as singing. He seems to be able to carry a tune better than most of his sisters! I used to think Ben had less energy than the other kids, but I am finding now that he just uses his energy when he wants to. He doesn't like being forced into things, but when he is into it, he can run and race with the best of them. He learned how to do some basic swimming this summer and says he is looking forward to swim team this summer. 

Ben still likes snuggling, and is very sweet. He also is a bit wild and crazy. He still hits or pushes and doesn't really seem to understand or feel he deserves consequences. He is the hardest of our kids to discipline for sure. He is doing great potty training - I would say 95% of the way there and wears underwear during the day and at night. He has recently figured out peddling and is loving his bike with training wheels. He sleeps great at night 11-12 hours and only occasionally naps during the day (mostly when we separate him and Rosie for rest time). He and Rosie still share a twin bed, but eventually will each get their own. He is such a sweetheart and thinks "pretty please" is "pinky please" - so when he wants something very badly he sticks his pinky up in the air and says "pinky please!"

Ben at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old.

Ben at two and three years old.

Eleanor, Jane, Ben, and Rosie each at four years old:

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