
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Rosie is five!

Rosie is FIVE years old! She weighs 40 pounds and is 44 inches tall (66% of the way to my adult height). She knows all her letters and letter sounds and enjoys matching beginning sounds with words. She doesn't always have the right sounds for some words, for instance, she says "grav" instead of "grab," “spoom” instead of “spoon,” “aminal” instead of “animal” and “revember” instead of “”remember.” She loves swimming and seems to be following in Jane's footsteps, swimming legal free and back strokes at surprisingly decent times for her age. She has also been enjoying soccer and is bummed that the season is ended because it's a great excuse to hang out with her best buds on the field (Mary Grace and Finley). She tends to be reserved with everyone except her family and best friends, so hasn't made much in the way of friendships at school preferring to play solo. She likes but doesn't love school - enjoys the academic side but not so much the social. She is very independent, especially with tasks and loves to do things for herself (for example she is learning how to tie shoes, help cook, etc.) but in loud or very social situations without her besties by her side she tends to get clingy or go inside to play by herself. She loves spending time with Ben and her older siblings and cousin Bonnie, dressing up, playing tea party, and singing songs from Hamilton. She likes taking cold showers no matter what the weather is outside and wears shorts and t-shirts whenever possible earning herself the nickname "polar bear" in addition to Rosiesaurus Rex. Her favorite color is teal, then aqua, purple, and then pink, black, and silver. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up she says: "A fire fighter with Ben or a farmer, but mostly I just want to be with you Ben, because I don't want to be apart from you. I need to be a job with one of my siblings."

All the kids at five years old: EleanorJane, Ben, Rosie. 

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Rosie at two, three, and four years old.


Patty said...

Oh my goodness, such a precious quote at the end. Happy birthday fierce little Rosie! We love you!

Dorothy said...

That is so sweet about Ben ad her siblings! Happy birthday Rosie! Love you to pieces!

Lauren said...

Ugh sweetest bond ever. She's so amazing!