
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Ben is five!

Ben is FIVE years old! He is a big five year old, tall, silly, and crazy. He weighs 45.2 pounds and is 46 inches tall (59% of the way to Chris' adult height). He knows all his letters and letter sounds and is starting to write words (with questionable spelling). He is quite fast and has a very natural running stride. He learned to ride a two-wheeler a couple months ago and has been enjoying the speed ditching training wheels affords. He learned how to swim this year swimming in his first meet. He is gregarious and has made friends with everyone at school. He likes to be very silly and lighten the mood, but apparently he also follows directions and is obedient at least at school. He loves school and his teacher. At home he tends to be impulsive and rough when he doesn't get his way. He has a very active imagination and can play for large chunks of time alone making random "rescue" or "vroom" comments and noises. He loves books, has been enjoying soccer (he loves running but doesn't necessarily like making contact with the ball) and has loved having his dad assistant coach his team. He is still quite obsessed with cars and vehicles of all kinds and loves "reading" books from the library - all vehicle related. He sleeps very well at night - about 7:30 pm to 6:30/7 am. He also says some silly words "flootball" instead of football is one of the notable ones. He also holds his pinky up and says "pinky promise" when he is asking to do something and we say no and he thinks it means "please" which is hilarious (last year he was saying "pinky please" like normal). His favorite color is green and he wants to be a rescue person or air support or fire fighter when he grows up. 

All the kids at five years old: Eleanor, Jane, Ben, Rosie. 

Ben at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Ben at two, three, and four years old.


Patty said...

I love all the character traits you described! Happy birthday Ben! You are so loved!

Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Ben! We love you!

Lauren said...

So beyond thankful for these two! Happy birthday Ben!