
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Eleanor is 10!

Our oldest child is now in double digits - how can it be?? She is both wildly mature and wildly immature at times - like most tweens. We can literally watch the wheels turning when she is witnessing a situation and deciding how she should respond. She had one of her best school years yet in 4th grade with an amazing teacher and is looking forward to being the top of the school this year. She loved trying a new sport this year (lacrosse) and continues to love swimming. She also played basketball for the first real season (Covid cancelled her previous attempt) and soccer. She enjoyed piano but didn't practice much and is starting band at school - currently planning to attempt flute. She is still a voracious reader and participated on her school's Battle of the Books team as an alternate. This year her goal is to make the competition team. She has stayed home for short periods of time by herself and has helped watch her siblings (also for short periods of time). We love this girl and can't wait to see how she continues to grow!

Eleanor at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, fifteen, and eighteen months old.

Eleanor at twothreethree and a halffour, and four and a halffivesixseveneight, and nine years old.


Dorothy said...

How can it be?!? Ten years old! She is joy to watch grow up!

Patty said...

Happy birthday Eleanor! The past pics are killing me! She is beautiful, inside and out!!