
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Rosie is SIX!

Rosie is six years old! She weighs 44.6 pounds and is 46 inches tall (69% of the way to my adult height). Rosie is still tiny but mighty. She is independent and cooks her own eggs - learning to work the stove before her older sisters. She actually is enjoying school this year, but continues to be quiet and reserved and slow to make friends. With her close friends though she is quite silly and engaged. She is very bright, starting to read and write, enjoys drawing, and playing with her sisters. She had a decent swim season (though she was faster in backstroke at four than she was this year), enjoyed playing soccer, but can't wait for lacrosse in the spring. She knows her own mind and can be quite stubborn, not giving into doing things she's not interested in. Recently someone invited her to lunch and she said, "no thanks!" She likes to be home and with the family. She lost her first tooth a couple weeks ago and was very excited about it. A few words she still says differently: "cavinets" for "cabinets," "grav" for "grab," "funder" for "thunder," and she regularly says "What means XXX?" instead of "What does XXX mean?" She shares a room with Ben but recently they took to sleeping in their own beds after sharing for 2-3 years. She loves Ben very much and I think she finds his presence to be a comfort in the classroom despite leaving him to his own devices to make friends and be a bit of a clown. Rosie says she wants to be a William & Mary cheerleader when she grows up. We love our baby girl very much and are excited to see what year 6 brings!

Eleanor and Jane at six:

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Rosie at two, threefour, and five years old.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

What a sweetheart!! Happy birthday Rosie!