
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Jane is 9!

Jane is nine years old! She is approximately 56 inches tall (almost 84% of the way to my adult height) and weighs about 70 pounds. Her favorite thing continues to be playing any and all sports, and she excels at every single one she tries. Her favorite sport is always whatever is currently in season. She laments that she only gets one practice a week for soccer, so her coach is letting her play on both teams she coaches, hers and the co-ed one above hers that Eleanor plays on. She loves to craft and play with friends, and has recently been spending lots of time FaceTime chatting with her friends after school. She continues to excel at school and works very hard every day. She is a leader, both kind and firm and does not allow people to push her around. She likes organizing, planning things, reading graphic novels, and dancing. She's excited to try out chorus and run club this year at school and is still on the fence about Battle of the Books. She has recently been getting into all the Marvel movies and continues to be a friend to everyone she meets. 

Eleanor and Jane at nine years old:

Jane at onetwothreefourfive, sixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. 

Jane at twotwo and a halfthreefourfivesix, seven, and eight years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday sweet Jane! I love all that you are becoming and know I pray for you!